Are Other States Affected by the CCPA?

The CCPA is the best privacy act in the U.S., but for which state? Many businesses have to comply with the CCPA rules. But, that shouldn’t be too hard. We can help you figure out how you can do that. But first, how can you make sure that your business is affected by the CCPA? […]

Why is the CCPA Such a Strong Privacy Law?

Have you ever wondered why the new California privacy law is so talked about? Well, one of the reasons has to do with the fact that the CCPA has significantly improved the protection of personal data. The catch is that the CCPA only affects California residents. Although, there are some companies (Netflix, Starbucks, Microsoft, UPS) […]

What Are the CCPA Fines?

Have you ever gotten fined by the CCPA? If that’s never happened to you, then count yourself lucky. Fines are not something that you ever want to happen to your business. They can become the reason for your business’ failure. And, that is especially true for the CCPA. If you’re a business that is affected […]

What Does the CCPA Require?

So, you’re not really aware of what the CCPA requirements are? It’s alright. We can help you out with that. To start things off, are you sure that you know everything there is about the CCPA? We’re willing to bet that there are still some things that you might’ve missed when learning about it. Let’s […]

The Data Collection Policies of the CCPA

Are you sure that you know everything there is about the data collection policies of the CCPA? We think that there are still a few things that you would want to know. The data collection policies are only a few things amidst a sea of information relating to the CCPA. And, the good news is […]

What is Your Company’s Risk

Has your company complies with the CCPA yet? If you haven’t then you might want to start to get on that. The CCPA has been in effect since January 2020, which to be fair, wasn’t that long ago. But still, any company that has failed to comply with the rules that the CCPA has set, […]

How to Know that the CCPA Applies to Your Company?

Are you sure that the CCPA applies to your company? There’s a chance that you might not have to worry about complying with the CCPA rules. Let’s take a look at who the CCPA affects: Who is Affected by the CCPA? What you need to know about the CCPA is that it applies to businesses […]

Why is the California Consumer Privacy Act necessary?

So, you have to comply with the CCPA, but are not really sure why it’s necessary to do so. Fear not! We are here to explain what this act is all about. And, what it is you need to know and do in order to comply with the rules that are in this act. So, […]

Do You Have the Right to Delete Personal Information?

Do you know what your rights are under the CCPA? You might be surprised at the amount of rights that the CCPA grants you. Among these rights, there is the right to delete your personal information, if that’s what you want to do. But, why would you even consider doing something like that? Well, one […]

Why Do Businesses Need Your Personal Information?

Are you wondering why businesses collect your personal information?  The answer to that question is not actually as complicated or even as frightening as you may think. Many businesses collect data. They do this for all sorts of reasons. Here’s more about that: The Reasons Behind Data Collecting As we mentioned above, there are a […]